General information

All Comers Tourney Information

All Comers is open to any Metro school tennis player on their school’s team. Also, this tournament is open to any tennis player not going to participate in the individual Metro varsity post season.

Tourney set-up:

This is a single-elimination tournament. All matches are one 8-game Pro Set; no ad serving; 10-point tie break at 8-8. All matches are pro sets except in the finals where normal scoring will occur (best two out of three sets, varsity scoring).

Players play as many matches as possible on Saturday to get down to the quarter final round (maybe semi finals if there’s time). Those who make it to the quarter final round will play on Monday at Ingraham starting at noon.

The brackets will be drawn at random with two caveats - each school will get to name their number one player per bracket meaning if you have players in every bracket you can list four number ones. No number one player will play another number one player in the first round. Also, no player will play a player from their school in the first round.

Although it is a single-elimination every player is guaranteed two matches - meaning if they lose in the first round they will play one more pro set against another player who lost in the first round. Win or lose that second set their tourney is over. 


Girls Singles |  Girls Doubles |  Boys Singles |  Boys Doubles

Scoring 10-point tiebreaker

The tiebreaker is started when both teams win 8 games apiece in the set, the team that served last will begin as the receiving team in the tie-breaker. The serving player/team A begins his/her service from the deuce court and serves one point. After the first point, the serve changes to the opponent’s first server. Thereafter, each player shall serve in rotation for two points, in the same order as the set. Switch sides when points add up to six points (3-3 = 6, 6-0 = 6, ...)The tiebreaker is decided by the player(s) who first reaches 10 points and leads by two points wins the tiebreaker.

Point sequence

Team A begins serving from the duece side, point 1;

Team B now serves twice starting from the advantage side, point 2 and 3;

Team A now serves twice starting from the advantage side, point 4 and 5;

Team B now serves from the advantage side, point 6 - teams switch court side. Same server now serves from the duece side, point 7;

Team A now serves from the advantage side, point 8 and 9;

and so on...

Points are added up to determine when to switch sides:

Team A has 5 points won, team B has 1 point won: 5 + 1 = 6, switch sides

Team A has 9 points won, team B has 3 points won: 9 + 3 = 12, switch sides

and so on...